Hannah Shogbola

Hannah Shogbola is one of the only Black female agents in the UK. She's also one of the few people to sell out Brixton Academy, Roundhouse, Koko, Printworks, and The Forum, which she did when she was under-30!

Representing over twenty-five artists she has a unique ear and a desire to help build acts over long periods of time for a deeper impact and longevity career wise.

She's appeared on panels and boards from MOBOs, The Royal Albert Hall to The Roundhouse and worked with The British Council on festival curation at The Southbank to curating the first ever Afrobeat’s Documentary at Abbey Road.

With an abundance of experience and a burning desire to make a difference, Hannah is uniquely equipped to address the broad range of challenges that beset the live music sector.

Hannah is the founder of DAJU, a creative consultancy agency that strives for positive impact and change within the music industry.

Working with companies like British Underground, Afro Punk, and SXSW, DAJU promotes up-and-coming artists and makes sure work environments are diverse, well balanced, and equal.